Friends of Waycroft Introduction

Do you know what the friends do?

We are a group of parents that volunteer to run events that we hope your children enjoy.  We raise funds that are donated to the school for items that help our children get the most they can out of their time at Waycroft.


Previous years, we have organised events such as, Summer Inflatable Fayre and a winter wonderland Christmas Fayre, Film Nights, Mothers and Fathers Day Gift Sales, Easter Competition, Christmas Card Art Project, Uniform Sale, Mufti Days, a Fashion Show and the Circus has come to Waycroft!


Over the years we have donated funds for the school to buy the following;

Reading books for all years groups, Guided reading books for reception classes, Recorders, Sports Balls, Sports Hoodies, a donation to each year group towards school trips, a Maypole, Canvas Cards for year 6 superhero boards,

Two of our biggest donations were for the library revamp and a trim trail in the playground.


Our team of Friends is not very big and we would love for you to join us! All help, no matter how much time you can spare is a great help.  It would be lovely to see some new faces and new ideas. You can email us at - we would love to hear from you!!