General Year 5 information
Children will need their P.E. kits on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
English and maths homework is set each week on a Thursday and must be handed in on a Wednesday. Children are expected to read at least 3 times per week but ideally daily, with the emphasis on reading for pleasure. Times tables should be practised as often as possible. Spellings are set every week. Topic and research projects will be set as an alternative occasionally. 
How can I help my child at home?
Listening to your child read at home as often as possible continues to be essential to their progress. Children can borrow books from the class library or from the school library. Please continue to practise spellings and times tables on a weekly basis.
For more ways to support your child at home, please click the link below:

Mr Farrell

Year 5 teacher

Ms Connors

Year 5 teacher

Miss Todd

Teaching assistant

Mrs Geen


Curriculum information
For information about the curriculum, please see the knowledge organisers for each subject by clicking the link below. 
Year 5 special events
Greek day
Steam museum trip
Visitor from a local mosque
Indian cooking